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YouTube Terms of Service a preview of updated YouTube

  Here is  a preview of our updated YouTube Terms of Service, including a summary of changes, that takes effect on January 5, 2022. Until then, the  existing YouTube Terms of Service  continues to apply. Terms of Service Dated: January 5, 2022 English Courtesy Translation TERMS OF SERVICE We are updating our Terms of Service on 5 January 2022. This summary is designed to help you understand some of the updates we’ve made to our YouTube Terms of Service (Terms). We hope this serves as a useful guide, but please ensure you read the new Terms in full. Develop, Improve and Update the Service This section describes our approach to improving and changing our Service. We renamed the  Changes to the Service  section as  Develop, Improve and Update the Service  to better reflect the content of the section. In addition: We revised and reorganized some of the content in this section to make it easier to understand We explained the reasons we modify and update the Service Finally, we described the